A New Way to Fake Virginity: The Artificial Hymen Kit

Contrary to what you might have heard, it’s not very difficult to tell whether or not someone has had intercourse before. For example, if your hymen breaks during the act, you might bleed afterwards. If the hymen didn’t break during sex, you might notice other telltale signs like bleeding and bruising on your vagina or even on your thighs if you lie down immediately after sex. In order to combat these embarrassing issues, one company has created an artificial hymen kit that can be used to fake virginity before marriage. Let’s take a look at how this product works.
An overview of the issue for restore virginity Capsule
Restore virginity Capsule is a highly controversial topic, and one that has sparked the curiosity of many curious women (and men) over the years. But while it seems like an impossible issue—how can you restore virginity when you’ve never had it?—this controversial product exists. There are even plenty of reviews on RestoreVirginity Capsule by people who have used it for themselves.
Some statistics about virginity
Recent polls have found that approximately 70% of women have slept with at least one person. In addition, roughly half of those women have slept with more than three partners. If you’re a woman who is trying to fake her virginity, these statistics can be helpful when thinking about how to accomplish your goal. It’s important that you realize that there are no medical tests for virginity; you need something physical and (for lack of a better word) visual as well.
Discussion of health concerns
Faking your virginity may be easy, but faking your hymen with a hymenoplasty is much more risky. There are no known health concerns associated with using artificial hymen, but that’s not necessarily a good thing. Because it can easily be inserted without major surgical procedures, some people may be tempted to use it as an alternative to actually waiting for their wedding night.
How does an artificial hymen kits work?
Inserting an artificial hymen is pretty simple; you have to shove it up there. The most complicated part may be trying to figure out where there is. Unlike a tampon, which is inserted into your vagina, an artificial hymen goes… somewhere else (for obvious reasons). At first glance, that seems like a pretty big problem.
Are there any risks?
While there is little research about hymen restoration kits, experts say there are risks. Additionally, because these products are relatively new, there isn’t much evidence about their effectiveness. For instance, a hymen can be stretched with tampons and other similar devices over time. But again, not enough research has been done on artificial hymen kits.
How much does cost of artificial hymen kits?
There’s no official word on how much an artificial hymen kit costs. A search for artificial hymen turns up a range of $10 to $50, with average prices around $35. One seller says that it’s one-size-fits-all and will be delivered in two business days, but we wouldn’t recommend ordering off of Amazon if you want your products to remain discreet.
Where can you buy artificial hymen kits?
I found many websites that offer artificial hymen kits, but I am not sure if they are reputable or safe. Where can you buy artificial hymen kits? How much do they cost? Where should you buy them from? What is involved in using them?