Understand Why Foot Stretching Is So Important

The function of the feet is very valuable to our body. Despite usually receiving little attention, they are responsible for all support. Therefore, the pressure and overload they receive can compromise their health and well-being.
However, there are ways to relieve everyday tensions. One of the most efficient is the adoption of foot stretching, characterized by providing conditions favorable to human health, as they help relax the muscles and prevent possible injuries.
There are specific variations of exercises that contribute positively to balance and daily foot care . Next we will see the importance of stretching and tips to practice it safely. Start warming up and come with us!
Advantages And Care For Foot Stretches
Realize that the stretches used for the feet can be good for the whole body. One of the advantages is the little time dedicated to each exercise, which is favorable to the daily rush and makes all the difference to health.
It is important to emphasize that, despite being considered easy exercises, it is necessary to give them great care. This is because any activity with varying intensities, if performed incorrectly, can harm the body.
Another important aspect to be considered is the importance of the help of a qualified professional to follow up during stretching or other activities. In this way, injuries to the joints that compromise your health are prevented . For this, dedication, care and zeal itself is very important.
Stretching aims to increase flexibility and the number of muscle fibers. These are types of exercises that can be variable (static or dynamic), depending on the goals and preferences of each person.
It is worth noting that human beings have specific needs that can vary according to what they are going through. Therefore, the efficiency of such exercises will depend on the clinical situation that is being manifested.
Its effects can be diverse, such as: improvement in ankle and foot range of motion; removes tension from the site, among others. However, it is necessary to be aware of the symptoms, as in some injuries there may be a need for other types of exercises and treatments. Therefore, the assistance of a doctor and a professional in the area is essential.
Foot Stretching Exercises
To better inform you on this subject, we have prepared some specific Foot stretching exercises for the feet that can be adopted. Check out.
Front Of Feet
The plantar bundle is an area of the foot made up of connective tissue and with high density, considered a very problematic region that supports the entire lower arch of the limb.
The adoption of exercises in this area provides the stiffening of the muscles and reduces the intensity of pain. The movement to be carried out is characterized as follows:
- position the heels over the pelvis and keep the base of the feet stretched;
- lean back at a slight angle and parallel to the contraction of the trunk muscles;
- use the curve of the feet to support the body;
- hold the position for 30 seconds, with 1 minute breaks and performing in three repetitions.
This exercise contributes to improving range of motion and muscle concentration, preventing pain in the heels . Perform in sequence:
- sit on your knees;
- stand with your feet straight and the soles facing the ceiling;
- keep your back straight and body weight on your calves;
- slowly lean back to length of the torso muscles, keeping the curve of the feet to support the body;
- stay in position for 30 seconds and perform three repetitions with 1 minute breaks.
Because it is made up of several nerve endings and pressure points, this area is susceptible to pain from stiffening muscles. The stretch for this part of the feet is quite simple:
- use a tennis ball placed under bare feet;
- apply a little pressure on the object;
- perform movements with the ball throughout the foot to the heel;
- repeat for five minutes in a slow, steady fashion, using a little pressure to ensure an effective exercise.
Gastrocnemius Muscle
Located at the back of the calves, it is prone to the painful spasms that are a result of prolonged standing, as well as wearing high-heeled shoes . However, they can be avoided with the adoption of adequate Hyperbolic Stretching, such as the one that will be exposed:
- use an elevated surface that allows for comfort when standing (steps, benches, etc.);
- keep heels in the air with adequate support to lean forward;
- place your left foot on the surface, keeping your back in the air;
- cross the right foot behind the left, lifting them in repetitive motions;
- do two reps per foot for 30 to 60 seconds.
Calf In Sitting Position
With little effort it is possible to keep legs and feet flexible. It is necessary to use strips of fabric, rope or elastic. See the example:
- sit on the floor with your back straight;
- bend the right leg and straighten the left;
- put the band around your feet, holding them with both hands;
- slowly pull the band, without bending the knee;
- stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, with repetitions on both legs.
Yoga is used as a form of Foot stretching for the whole body. Therefore, care is needed when developing it. So be aware of your limitations. One of the options is:
- lie down on the floor in a plank position (face down);
- lift the pelvis upwards, in an inverted V position;
- push the right foot down until it reaches the floor;
- within 30 seconds switch legs.
In view of this, we highlight the importance of exercising and the benefits that dedicating a few minutes a day to practice can bring to the health of the body. With specific regard to stretching for the feet, the concern to keep them free from pain and poor circulation is very important, as it reflects on the well-being of the human being.