What is fasting?

There are five pillars of Islam: Martyrs, Prayer, Fasting, Zakat, and Hajj. Fasting is the third pillar of Islam. These ten days of Fasting are beloved by Allah (SWT), especially on the ninth of Dhul Hajj, the day of Arafat.
Because fasting on this day implies that our sins from the previous and coming years will be expiated. Fasting is called fasting in Arabic. It means “stop and be silent”. In the Holy Qur’an, “fasting” has also been interpreted as patience.
The essence of which is self-control, steadfastness, and perseverance. This shows that the meaning of fasting in Islam is man should not fall into the wrong path by getting lost in the lusts and sexual desires and save the essence of self-control and steadfastness from being lost.
There are three things in everyday life that destroy the human essence and make it a slave to lust that is, eating, drinking, and sexual intercourse between a man and a woman is fasting in the name of keeping these things in moderation and staying away from them for a certain period of time.
But in the term Shari’ah, the name of a Muslim is intentional worship, deliberately abstaining from food and drink and abstaining from sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk. It is a condition for a woman to be free from menstruation and nifaas.
What is the Significance of Fasting in Islam?
The importance of fasting in Islam is measured by:
- This is the fourth member of the Islamic members.
- Purity of heart, purity of soul, and purity of soul.
- It Keeps the rich in the practical condition of the poor.
- Fasting, Stomach cramps, and Strengthening the starving masses strengthen the principle
of equality in the nation. This is the fourth member of the Islamic members.
- It maintains and enhances physical health.
- Fasting brings purity of heart, purity of soul, and purity of soul.
- It keeps the rich in the practical condition of the poor.
- Strengthens the heavenly forces and weakens the animal forces.
- Fasting can give a wealth of patience and restraint of hunger and thirst.
- Stomach cramps, and Strengthening the starving masses strengthen the principle of equality in the nation.
- Gives a person mental and spiritual unity.
- It Protects man from many sins.
- Arouses Islamic taste for good deeds.
- It is a secret and silent act of worship that is free from hypocrisy.
- Fasting is the best way to solve natural problems and avoid disasters.
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What is the Purpose of Fasting in the Qur’an?
The Holy Qur’an has stated the purpose of fasting and its purpose in three short sentences:
(1) That Muslims should express their greatness and greatness to Allah Almighty.
(2) Praise is to God, the Exalted in Might, the Wise, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
(3) That Muslims should become pious and piety should be instilled in them.
“Taqwa” is the name given to the condition of the heart which, after attaining it, makes the heart begin to feel reluctant to commit sins and turn it away from good deeds. Performing Hajj is also one of the biggest responsibilities in a Muslim’s life.
The purpose of fasting is to create this condition in a person. In other words, we can say that fasting strengthens the power of God-fearing within a person.
As a result of which man gains control over his soul and the honor and greatness of God’s command become so entrenched in his heart that no emotion can overcome him and this is obvious.
That a Muslim will give up haraam, illegitimate and dirty habits due to the command of God and will never dare to commit them. This moral superiority is what we call piety.
(At the time of Sehri for fasting) and keep eating and drinking until the white thread of the morning (separates) from the black thread (of the night) becomes visible to you, then complete the fast till night (arrival). (Al-Baqarah, 2: 187)
White thread means true morning (white of day) and black thread means false morning (darkness of night).
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What are the Levels of Fasting?
There are three levels of fasting. A common people’s fast is to prevent the stomach and genitals from eating and drinking and sexual intercourse. The second is to abstain from all sins except the ear, the eye, the tongue, the hands, the feet, and all the limbs.
The third special fast is to separate oneself from everything in the universe except Allah Almighty, that is, the Exalted, and to focus only on Him.